Click on an image to enlarge it
Hydrogeological interpretation of
some Nazca
Lines along the South Bank
of Rio Ingenio
Figure 1. Captured GE display of Nazca lines from a hydrogeological perspective including surface-water-diversion elements, trails and hypsography. The oldest glyphs are located high along the south bank of Rio Ingenio where groundwater seepage naturally occurred because of the hydrogeological framework . The lines are water circuits that divert stream flow downgrade and across the pampas for field irrigation. The oldest glyphs are cross-cut and overprinted by younger water mains and distribution circuits.
South view of the Nazca aquifer along the South Bank
of Rio Ingenio highlighting a modern aqueduct. Figure 2. The top diagram is a hydrogeological profile of the Nazca aquifer showing surficial and bedrock aquifer components. The middle figure is a captured GE display of the aquifer from an oblique view looking Southeast that shows the perched nature of the Nazca aquifer sitting above active valley farms and a modern aqueduct (bottom GE figure).
The Nazca Lines in Google Earth 2019
Figure 3. Nazca physiography, hydrography, and early geoglyphs as seen on 2019 GE imagery.
'The Oculate Being' with GE image overlay
Figure 4. A renowned anthropomorphic Nazca geoglyph is carved into a hillside above the pampas and has no apparent water-related utility. An internet search for aerial photos of this feature includes one shown below that was added to GE for an enhanced display of its details.
5. Captured GE displays of the suspected Nazca
impact crater (~23 Ma) and associated East-Pacific Rise, Nazca Ridge(s),
far-field lithospheric welts, tectonics plates,
and volcanoes. The oblique impact came in from the ESE and imparted deeply
penetrating and widespread fracture systems that helped shape the East
Pacific region.
Table 1. Names, geographic coordinates and diameters of two of the larger, suspected craters associated with the Nazca impact event. Crater Longitude (dd) Latitude (dd) Diameter (km)
Nazca-1 170.817829
Figure 6.
GE captured views (top and middle) and
corresponding regional tectonic profiles (bottom) across the Nazca Ridge
and continental margin.
Geological setting and cross sections
through Figure 7. GE display of U.S. Geological Survey geology theme showing a trace of regional synclinorium, the alluvial blanket hosting the Nazca aquifer, and the Rio Grande fault-system interpretation. Geological cross sections across the depresión de Ica-Nasca (fig. 11) illustrating how bedrock is gently titled by normal faulting atop a structural culmination.
Nazca aquifer surficial and bedrock elements
Figure 8. The Nazca aquifer has both surficial and bedrock components. The bedrock is gently tilted to direct flows downslope to the south bank of Rio Ingenio where thick alluvium occurs. The blue lines are traces of open, synclinal (V) fold axes. Dip/strike values noted on 3D white ellipses.
Nazca Lines structural setting and bedrock stratigraphy of the Tertiary
Changuillo Formation
Figure 9. Morpho-structural map and a representative bedrock section from Delle Rose and others (2019) . Note how the depresion de Ica-Nasca is the keel of regional synclinorium.
Nazca 1:100:000 scale stratigraphy
Figure 10. 1:100,000-scale geological mapping includes a stratigraphic column showing the two principle units comprising the Nazca aquifer (Wetzell and Matos, 2003). The geoglyphs are ‘earth markings’ in the form of shallow trenches or raised berms and mounds with up to 60 cm relief and large areas cleared of soil and stones. Figure 11. Profile depiction of a Nazca line by Masini and others (2016).
Timeline of some pre-Columbian human-cultural periods, complexes, and traditions
with respect to Holocene global temperature
Figure 12.The Nasca culture falls into a time when human social communities and networks were proliferating worldwide but subject to local environmental constraints and global climate change.
Nasca Art temporal and thematic categories
Figure 13. The Nasca art defines early, middle, and late cultural stages depicted first by naturalistic motifs, followed by agrarian and religious ones, and culminating with militaristic themes with many human trophy heads symbolically (?) serving as planters (from Proulx's Nasca iconography and ritual-heads website).
Two GE examples of Nazca geoglyph stages
Figure 14. GE imagery is used to digitize early, localized and naturalistic glyphs that become superimposed by later ones that are part of expansive water-diversion circuits.
Ocean-Drilling Program Site 1236 Coring results
Figure 15. Major climatic and sedimentation changes occur in the stratigraphic record of the Nazca Ridge at ~24 Ma, the suspected age of the Nazca impact crater.
Nazca aquifer model extent (left) and
water-diversion circuits Figure 16. Geospatial elements and fresh-water flow directions in the Nazca aquifer |
TECTONICS BLOG Rev. 2021-04-22; 2020-10-30
Gregory Charles Herman,
Flemington, New Jersey, USA
The hydrogeological nature and
tectonic setting of the Nazca Lines
Introduction *
Nasca Culture * Tectonic Setting *
Methods * Nazca aquifer
* Summary *
The original Nazca lines are a myriad of very old (~70 BCE – 700 CE), large geoglyphs spread over 200,000 acres of the Peruvian pampas that are visible from the air and adjacent mountains. The glyphs have spiral, zigzag, trapezoidal, round, and quadrangular forms including large rectangular fields cut into pediment alluvium atop plateaus and alluvial valleys at altitudes ranging between 400 to 1000 m elevation in the Andes Rio Grande drainage. The highest concentration is located along the southern bank of Rio Ingenio, a major, central tributary of the Rio Grande drainage. This marginal-marine continental setting receives less than 1-inch of rain per year so that ground disturbances are preserved. Surface alluvium weathers to a dark desert varnish that lends stark contrast to uncovered, lighter substrate giving form to the glyphs. The lines likely originated from human augmentation of natural hydrogeological conditions to divert seasonal water flowing down mountain streams into irrigated fields sitting atop a perched aquifer with gently tilted bedrock directing hydraulic flows. Seasonal runoff naturally flows downhill to the area having the most glyphs where agricultural systems evolved from early paddies having zoomorphic and phytomorphic forms into subsequent, outlying, expansive fields with trenched irrigation systems. The porous, unconsolidated, surficial materials of the Nazca aquifer get seasonally recharged and gradually discharged remotely along the plateau edges where springs were first discovered, then engineered into sophisticated water-supply systems as cultural centers arose. The Nazca lines were developed to take advantage of natural hydraulic conditions reflecting a unique structural setting caused by subduction of the Nazca ridge, a thickened segment of oceanic crust that's being shoved beneath the South American margin at a speed of ~50-60 mm per year. The battering-ram effect arches overriding continental crust upward into a structural culmination where the oldest bedrock is unroofed along the convergent tectonic-plate boundary. The Rio Grande drainage is developed on the eastern flank of this culmination and follows deeply rooted faults that propagate landward and flower upward through the crust to form an array of normal fault blocks stepping down from the culmination crest. Prior archaeological work and published geological data are augmented with a remotely sensed structural hydrogeological framework to exemplify how the Nazca aquifer was utilized over time. The framework was built and rendered using Google Earth, QGIS, SketchUp Pro, and a 3-point structural-plane solver programmed for use with NASA's WorldWind virtual Earth globe. By identifying the hydrogeological nature of the lines, more recent, counterfeit ones can be discerned.
The union of two independent paths of geological research merged one day in 2019 with the result being a discovery of how a unique tectonic setting gave rise to a unique human culture at the dawn of the Common Era. The first path is structural hydrogeological research being conducted on the Nazca lines in central Peru that stems from exploring their nature beginning in 2013 during college laboratory exercises using Google Earth (GE; figs. 1 to 4). The second path is the impact-tectonics work showcased in earlier blog posts that led to the discovery of a suspected, large, Early Miocene (~ 24 Ma) impact-cratering event that set the tectonic stage for the glyph development (fig. 5 and table 1). The bolide-impact fractured and thickened the Pacific lithosphere Eons ago resulting in the Nazca Ridge, and subsequently the East-Pacific oceanic rise (fig. 5). Ensuing, eastward tectonic-plate drift and subduction of the thickened Nazca Ridge is preferentially raising the western continental margin into the Andes Antiplano culmination (fig. 6). The Nazca lines were crafted on the eastern flank of the culmination where down-faulted blocks of gently titled strata are arranged to funnel mountain runoff into a desert aquifer (figs. 7 and 8). The most dense occurrence of geoglyphs are etched into the surface of the Nazca aquifer, a thin alluvial blanket resting on bedrock along the northern edge of the pampas that is cut by the Rio Ingenio (figs. 1 to 3). This work therefore portrays the tectonic setting of the central Andes Mountains of Peru and bordering parts of the Eastern Pacific and the geological components of the aquifer that provided ample freshwater resources to sustain a growing population in a desert environment.
As a final point of introduction, archeologists and anthropologists refer to the culture as 'Nasca', but all geographic names and places as well as geological feature, like the Nazca Ridge, use the consonant "z" rather than "c". So in accordance with my understanding of this dichotomy, I use both versions depending upon whether the subject is animate or not. . .
The Nasca culture and freshwater
Mapping Methods and Tectonic Setting
The suspected Nazca impact event was discovered while using GE to examine the regional tectonic setting. This event awaits scholarly confirmation, but appears to have been a shower of bolides or a fragmented, larger one of uncertain composition because of the many circular depressions lying amid a set of linear, ocean-floor fractures along a 390o heading (fig. 5). This set of fractures compliments others where secondary magmatism has risen and thickened the oceanic crust in a region covering almost one-half million square kilometers relative to undisturbed, or 'normal' oceanic crust (fig. 5). The main crater lying at the center of this strain field is about 85 km in diameter (table 1, fig. 5). The bolide impact heading is assumed to parallel the 390o fracture set that shows symmetric alignment with ocean-spreading ridges, aseismic ridges, and other structural lineation mapped on the sea floor (fig. 5). The same set of far-field lithospheric welts surrounding this impact center as seen elsewhere including a major lithosphere arch located at about 2900 kilometers radial distance that directly corresponds with major segments of the East Pacific Rise! This agrees with prior observations that impact-tectonic strains can form tectonic-plate boundaries and influence subsequent movements including far-field crustal welting around large craters reaching distances of at least 2900 km (Herman, 2005). Deep-sea core 1237A provides a good indication of the timing of the event, as major sea-level and sedimentation changes occurred in the area at about 24 Ma (fig. 15). The tectonic setting defines the unique geological architecture of this area because it is the only place along the convergent tectonic margin where the thickest and most extensive oceanic ridge in the region is being forcefully inserted beneath the continental margin to raise the Andes Antiplano (fig. 6).
The physiographic expression of the Rio Grande drainage resembles a candelabra with a seaward base that branches symmetrically outward on both sides of the Rio Grande at the depresión de Ica-Nasca (fig. 7). The major tributaries of the Rio Grande probably follow deeply-penetrating fault systems along which surface water preferentially incises. It is difficult to prove this without direct subsurface evidence, but surface drainages normally follow dense fracture systems in general, and are portrayed as such here. Because of the unique tectonic setting of the Rio Grande drainage, strata generally dip toward the central tributaries, thus directing surface and shallow subsurface water downhill to the area where the earliest Nazca lines were first crafted (figs. 7 and 8). The oldest, most naturalistic glyphs are focused high on the southern bank of the Rio Ingenio where natural seeps occurred from the edge of a perched, pampas aquifer, and where the early Nasca first impounded seasonal runoff for growing crops (figs. 1 to 3).
The Nazca aquifer is comprised of Quaternary alluvium draped upon of gently tilted, fractured, faulted, and warped Tertiary and younger bedrock (figs. 7 to 12). The hydrogeological framework therefore has both surficial and bedrock components with bedded strata overprinted by secondary and compound tectonic structures. Detailed stratigraphic aspects of the area are based on prior map and detailed geological studies (Wetzell and Matos, 2003; fig. 10, and Delle Rose and others 2019; fig. 9) but the structural controls on the conceptual aquifer model were derived from using the aforementioned WorldWind virtual-mapping application (fig. 8).
The porous, unconsolidated, surficial materials of the Nazca aquifer therefore get seasonally recharged from the mountain runoff that also infiltrates into underlying fractured bedrock strata of the Tertiary Changuillo Formation (fig. 9). Seepage discharges along the riverbanks and plateau edges occurs from both surficial and fractured bedrock lying directly above modern, active aqueducts (figs. 1 and 2). Bedrock strata are gently tilted in adjacent fault blocks that weather deeply along fault systems that surface-drainage systems follow and and provide aquifer recharge (fig. 8). The Nazca aquifer was likely discovered along the Eastern bank of the Rio Ingenio where natural freshwater springs seeps from a perched aquifer provided a desert oases that was subsequently groomed and managed to feed water into localized gardens and agricultural plots before more expansive, cultivated fields were developed to meet the needs of a growing theocratic society. But the reason that the freshwater resources are located there is because this tectonic setting is unique along the entire length of the South American Andes Mountains. The battering-ram effect from inserting a thickened section of oceanic crust beneath the continental margin results in the overriding crust arching upward into a a structural culmination where the oldest bedrock is exposed at ground surface along the western side of the South American continent (fig. 2). The Rio Grande and tributaries follow emergent, but concealed normal faults that branch upward and landward from deeply rooted faults situated on the eastern flank of the Andes structural culmination (figs. 6 and 7).
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Abstract * Introduction *
Nasca Culture * Tectonic Setting *
Methods * Nazca aquifer
* Summary *