Click on an image for more detail |
Figure 1. Neotectonic map (top) and cross sections (bottom) through the Ramapo seismic zone that's rooted on the Cortland igneous intrusive complex that crops along the New York Hudson River. The 2024 Tewksbury earthquake swarm sits on the east side of the Paulins Kill arch and the west side of the Watchung trough in an area having a historic gap in seismicity. See Herman (2022) for further details about this interpretation that's based on the Sykes and others (2006) earthquake catalog. Figure 2. A focused swarm of light to very minor earthquakes occurred during April 2024 within the southeast Highlands of central New Jersey. An initial 4.8 Mwr earthquake with an epicenter near Oldwick, NJ was been succeeded by about 200 aftershocks occurring within a 60-square-mile area of Hunterdon, Morris, and Somerset Counties over 4 months. This image was captured from a USGS web site that reports earthquakes within a 30-day time window. Therefore, if the swarm exceeds a 30-day time span, the earliest-collected records become omitted. Earthquake locational parameters and Mwr values are listed in the left window pane. Table 1. A partial list of the earthquake parameters obtained from the USGS earthquake website. The elapsed time between events was calculated to compute the swarm running time beginning with the 4.8 Mwr earthquake. Click here to access the first 202 records. Figure 3. Geographic plot of the 2024 Tewksbury swarm epicenters in Google Earth Pro. The events are time stamped and linked to a short video of the earthquake sequence placed into a regional, neotectonic setting. Figure 4. The 2024 central New Jersey earthquake swarm in GE Pro. Epicenters are colored and sized by magnitude range. The Epicenters are circumscribed by an ellipse with a major:minor axes = 1.28. The epicenters straddle the boundary faults separating the New Jersey Highlands from the Newark Basin. However, a three-dimensional analysis shows that the foci occur solely in Proterozoic basement rocks as demonstrated below. Note the location of cross section C-C' from Drake and others (1996). Figure 5. Epicenters seem to indicate movement associated with the Newark Basin border faults but their focal points average about 6.0 km depth solely within upper- to mid-crustal Proterozoic basement. Focal points were constructed by dropping vertical lines from epicenters to reported depths. Cross section C-C' from Drake and others (1996). Figure 6. MS Excel charts of the running time (minutes) versus magnitude (Mwr - top) and depths (middle) for the April-August 2024 earthquake swarm in central N.J. This event includes 194 records over 72 days. Earthquakes of Mwr 2.0 and greater are highlighted with orange dots. Lines connecting each event were added to each chart along with light-gray shaded polygons that envelope the respective value ranges. Bottom chart plots the number of earthquakes occurring in consecutive, 12-hour windows. Most of the earthquakes range between Mwr 0.5 to 1.5 and become much less frequent after 24 days. The most intense and frequent events occur during the first day, then slowly wane in both magnitude and frequency. Aftershock appear to be focused mainly between 5 and 12 km depths. Figure 7. April 5, 2024 parameters for the 4.8 and 3.7 Mwr earthquakes. The diagrams are captured from the U.S. Geological Survey website, combined and augmented in MS PowerPoint. The stereonet diagram (lower left) plots the nodal plane 1 fault planes and slip vectors (rakes). Auxiliary planes are nodal planes 2. Earthquake parameters for the two largest events and the 2024 swarm are summarized in the bottom tables. Note that 15 earthquakes had listed depths of 5.0 km that is used as a default value by the USGS for an undetermined depth. All but 10 of the earthquakes have specific depths ranging between 2.1 and 9.9 km with an average depth of 6.1 km (~4 miles). Only two earthquakes exceed Mwr 3.0 and fourteen exceed Mwr 2.0. Figure 8. A geographic plot of the earthquake epicenters falls within a map ellipse having an axial ratio of about 1.17 in this chart in geographic space using a 1:1 scale with 0.04 degree graticules. Earthquakes exceeding Mwr 2.0 are colored orange, The two largest events are mapped with large red dots and those with Mwr < 1.0 are colored purple. Most minor aftershocks cluster on the footwall side (West) of the main shocks, whereas most events of intermediate magnitudes plot in the opposing hanging-wall side (East). Figure 9. A moment-magnitude calculator was assembled using MS Excel to calculate and derive a earthquake f values than corresponds with the USGS reported earthquake parameters, and then use that factor to calculate the size relative sizes of fault ellipses having constrained axial-aspect and slip ratios. Figure 10. Comparative fault-ellipse model surfaces after limiting ratios for the fault-ellipse axes (1.20) and rupture length to displacement (0.015). Ellipses A to C show relative fault sizes for Mwr 2.0 to 4.0 earthquakes. Ellipse A is slightly larger than a football pitch. Ellipse D is shown using a different scale for the Mwr 4.8 that was computed to be about three adjoining football pitches in area. Figure 11. A. Comparative fault ellipses for the 4.8 and 3.7 Mwr earthquakes modeled as flat, dipping, and oriented positions, B. ellipses placed into the model at earthquake focal points, and C. Model faults when viewed along fault strike relative to the other foci. The colored spheres used to visualize foci exceed the size of the computed faults when using f = 6.03. Exaggerated faults sizes result from using f = 8.0 but provide a visual perspective of fault orientation relative to the foci swarm. Figure 12. Screen-captured images from a SketchUp Pro 2022 3D CAD model of the 2024 New Jersey earthquake swarm including Map (top) and cross sections (side views) of the earthquake swarm. The main events (4.8 and 3.7 Mwr) are modeled with elliptical fault surfaces scaled using f values of 6.03 and 8.0. Dimensions are listed in table 2 of figure 8. 3D earthquake foci are approximate locations with locational errors varying less than the width of each symbol. The modeled fault surfaces at f = 8.0 are exaggerated in size because actual fault areas are barely visible at this scale. The bottom sections shows a rotated, fault-parallel view. Figure 13. The elliptical nature of bedrock fractures in rock outcrops in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. These surfaces occur in transitional-tensional arrays resembling normal dip-slip shear zones and terminate with curvilinear, elliptical forms (Herman, 2009). Note the Brunton compass for scale in the bottom photo on the left. Figure 14. Neotectonic map of the central to north Atlantic continental margin centered on the Philadelphia region.. A GPS-based vertical-derivative map from Herman (2022) shows areas that are slowly rising (yellow) and sinking (blue). GPS-based horizontal drift of the North American Plate is summarized by the white vectors. Rings of varying radii are drawn around the Chesapeake impact crater. Figure 15. The neotectonic setting of the New York Recess now includes the 2024 central NJ earthquake swarm that fills a historical gap in regional seismicity. This swarm appears very similar to other earthquake clusters that probably have similar faults and slip directions as this most recent one. These very minor to mild earthquakes signal the wrinkling of our crust from compression accompanying the slow, northwestward drift of the North American tectonic plate. Figure 16. The orientation of the faults in the 2024 central NJ earthquake cluster parallel some of the latest fault trends from Newark stage crustal rifting (Herman, 1997). Figure 17. Ground-fixed GPS stations surrounding the 2024 central NJ earthquake swarm all showed an upward deflection of the ground immediately following the event as part of the perpetual ground oscillations through time (Herman, 2015). |
A focused swarm of light to very minor earthquakes began in the spring of 2024 and continue to happen during the fall season at a very low frequency in a part of central New Jersey having spotty, historical seismicity (figs. 1 and 2; table 1). As of August 13, 2024 there have been 202 minor to very light earthquakes occurring within a 60 sq. mi., elliptical area of central New Jersey covering parts of Hunterdon, Morris, and Somerset Counties (figs. 2 to 5). The location (longitude, latitude), depth (m), magnitude (Mwr), and time of occurrence of each earthquake are posted on the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake web page for a period of 30 days after an event. The first 202 records were copied, compiled and are listed in a linked table. The USGS records event times to the second, but they were rounded to the nearest minute for this work. The initial 4.8 magnitude (Mwr) earthquake on April 5th with an epicenter near Tewksbury, NJ was followed by over 200 aftershocks over the following 3 months. The 4.8 Mwr is the second largest earthquake ever recorded in New Jersey, falling behind a 5.3 magnitude earthquake in 1793 event located to the northeast in Morris County. That one predated seismic instrumentation and its magnitude was based on human reports of ground shaking and surface disturbances.
These earthquakes have been very enlightening and energizing for me, a career structural geologist who has spent decades in the region mapping fractured bedrock at and near Earth's surface and characterizing how brittle rock breaks and plasticized rocks flow in the Appalachian region. In the forty years of practicing geology centered on New Jersey, I had never experienced an earthquake, here or anywhere else. But on that morning, I was gardening outside the kitchen window, listening to music with ear buds in when suddenly there was a audible roar that swept through the region from north to the south that startled both me and the birds. It didn't sound like a transportation event along route 12 so I wondered what it could have been. It sounded more like a locomotive derailing. Seconds later my wife announced from just inside the patio door that an earthquake had just occurred. As I was outside I didn't' feel the ground move but I heard the transmitted atmospheric energy!
This article summarizes geological aspects of this earthquake swarm and places it into spatial, temporal, and structural perspectives relative to the regional neotectonic (current tectonic) setting. It also details the methods used to characterize fault-plane dimensions and displacements for the two largest events using the listed moment energies and regional magnitudes (Mwr) by applying a derivation of Aki's (1972) moment-magnitude formulae within certain limits.
The Richter scale is the most popular earthquake scale because it was the first one formulated in the 1930s using seismographic instrumentation, and henceforth a reference basis for assessing societal impacts in southern California from catastrophic earthquakes leading to extreme ground shaking and the loss of human life and infrastructure. The 1.0 to 10.0 magnitude Richter scale was based on measuring seismic-wave arrival times and amplitude differences on seismographs rather than the subsequent, more rigorous principles implemented through elastodynamic earthquake theory that determines earthquake aspects based on rock mechanics, but whose application still requires the use of regional factors for characterizing various tectonic settings having varying seismic intensities. This dependency is exemplified below for the mid-Atlantic region of the North American tectonic plate that has relatively low-level seismicity occurring in a passive continental margin setting (fig. 3; Herman, 2015). New Jersey straddles the junction between the central and northern Appalachian region where seismicity is minor and spotty, but mainly focused near deep-rooted igneous plutons that preferentially resist slow horizontal drift of the plate (fig. 1).
Aki established elastodynamic earthquake theory in 1972 with a moment-magnitude mathematical formulae relating the quantity of energy released at the moment of brittle failure to the physical properties of the ruptured rock mass that generates body and surface waves. It was the first elastodynamic treatment of the amount of energy released from displacing earth material along a planar fault surface that incorporated a factor taking into account the rock's resistance to shear stress (the shear modulus; μ) and geometric aspects of fault rupture and slip. In this seminal geophysical treatment of earthquake phenomenon he proposed that the seismic moment (Mo in Newton-meters) is the energy released when rupture occurs on a fault of specific surface area (A) and slip distance (D). His equation relates these factors to the magnitude of the earthquake in the following manner:
equation 1. Magnitude (Mw) = 2/3log10 Mo – f ,
where Mo is the seismic moment, or energy release (N-m), and f is the moment-magnitude factor that can vary in a regional sense for very-large to very-small earthquakes.
Mo is a product of the rock's shear modulus (μ; N/m2), the rupture area (A; m2) of the fault plane, and the total slip or displacement on the fault D (m). As specified by Aki (1972):
equation 2. Mo = (μ*A*D).
At the time, Aki (1972) derived an f value of 16.0 for earthquakes exceeding magnitude 7.0 based on his work in the active tectonic setting of Japan. Another notable advancement in the magnitude-scaling of earthquakes was made by Hanks and Kanamori (1979) who derived an f value of 10.77 for earthquakes in the 5.0 to 7.0 range, with the latter being the observed upper limit of many events across the globe. More recent work by Edwards and others (2010) for the Switzerland region derived an f value of 6.03 for use in the automatic computation and derivation of earthquake elastodynamic parameters for earthquakes in the 1.0 to 6.0 range with similar magnitude ranges as those reported for this swarm. The two lower, regional value of f are used in this study to investigate probable fault aspects for this region by using fixed ratios of fault-strike versus slip distance, axial ratios, and earthquake magnitudes (fig. 9).
Equations 3 to 8 below are derivations of Aki's (1972) moment-magnitude equation that were used here to compute fault areas, dimensions, and slip when using a 30 gigapascal (GPa) shear modulus, a D:RLeMax ratio of 0.015 and a RLeMax:RLeMin ratio of 1.20. Equation 9 is the MS Excel formulae equivalent to equation 8. The shear modulus is a common standard, and Nicol and others (1996) have shown that fault aspect ratios for the major and minor axes of faults range from 3.5 down to 0.5, with 1.0 being circular. Walsh and Watterson (1989) found that rupture length versus fault-displacement ratios typically ranges between 0.010 and 0.020. These two findings helped limit the parameters when modeling elliptical fault planes using a CAD system. Elliptical fault planes are used rather than rectangular ones primarily because that what is observed in outcrop (fig. 13). Fault-tip terminations in fractured rock are generally curvilinear except where fractures and faults intersect pre-existing planar structures. We simply don't know how these earthquakes relate to preexisting, blind structures so elliptical fault planes are modeled with the major axis corresponding to a fault strike and rupture length.
Therefore, because:
equation 3. A = Mo / μ * D , and
equation 4. Ae = (RLeMax * RLeMin *3.14159),
different values for Ae were first calculated using the reported USGS moment (Mo) values for the 4.8 and 3.7 Mwr events by repeatedly trying different RLeMax values to reach solutions where RLeMax:RLeMin = 1.20. In order to facilitate this process, I constructed a MS Excel Worksheet that contains two different calculation methods to compute fault-rupture areas and fault displacements. Trial-and-error calculations used the moment energies for the Mwr 4.6 and 3.8 events to derive fault area and slip parameters by constraining the displacement and ellipticity ratios. The results are listed in figure 9.
Method B then used a derivation of Aki's (1972) formulae to test different f values to see what value closely matches the fault parameters gained from using the listed seismic moments. Method B solves for fault area (A) using the following derivations:
equation 5. Mw + f = 2/3(log10μ + log10A + log10D) or
equation 6. Mw + f = 2/3log10μ + 2/3log10 A + 2/3log10D, therefore
equation 7. log10 A = 3/2((Mw + f) – 2/3log10μ - 2/3log10D), and finally
equation 8. A = 103/2((Mw + f) – 2/3log10μ - 2/3log10D).
Method B calculations show that the reported USGS earthquake parameters use f ~ 6.03 like Edward's and others (2010) because the fault aspects are consistent with those derived using the listed moment energies (fig. 9). Thus, f = 6.03 was used with equation 9 to calculate the various fault lengths, areas, and slip distances to assess their relative sizes accompanying one-integer increases in magnitude from Mwr 2.0 to 6.0. (fig. 9). When using this approach, the length of a fault associated with the 4.8 Mwr event computes to a maximum rupture length of about 245 meters and a slip of 3.68 meters. The 3.7 Mwr equates to a fault that's about one third in size at about 70 meters long with about 1 meter of slip (fig. 9).
Figures 5, 11, 12, 15 and 17 show how and where the earthquake foci and nodal fault planes were added to a pre-existing SketchUp Pro 2022 (SUP)
CAD model of the New York Recess using
geographic coordinates. The epicenters were digitized as points in the SUP model and
vertical drop lines were then constructed from each epicenter downward to its
focal depth, represented using different colored spheres of graduated size (fig.
5). Elliptical fault planes were
next added for the
Mwr 4.8 and 3.7 earthquakes using
regional scaling variables of f = 8.0 and 6.03 to see how the three-dimensional (3D) distribution of the
surrounding aftershocks correlate geospatially with different sizes of faults
(figs. 11 to 12).
The f = 8.0 ellipses exaggerate
the respective sizes of the faults
which is necessary for visualization because faults sized at f = 6.3 are smaller than the 3D spheres used
to virtually symbolize earthquake foci at regional scales (~200 to 600 meter
diameters; figs. 11
and 12).
A part of regional cross section
C-C' from the New Jersey state geological map (Drake and others, 1996)
runs through the northern reaches of the swarm and was added to the SUP model to see how the
spatially relate to interpreted basement
faults in the New Jersey Highlands (figs. 5 and 12). The 3D distribution of the earthquake
foci agree very well with the orientation and spacing of major basement faults
that mostly dip southeastward at moderate angles and project upward towards the Long
Valley area in the southeastern NJ Highlands. Although the epicenters straddle a border fault
separating the Phanerozoic-Highlands from the Mesozoic Newark
Basin, the 3D perspectives show that the foci are situated solely within
Proterozoic basement rocks at depth.
Cowie and Scholz (1992) provide a synthesis of results and discussion of the scaling relationship between maximum fault displacement (DMAX) and the maximum rupture length (L) of faults. Although it is generally assumed that this relationship is a power function of the form DMAX = cLn where c is a constant and n ranges between 0.5 and 2, a more straightforward approach uses a simple linear relationship between these two variables with g = DMAX / L ranging between 1.0 and 0.01. The near-minimum value of 0.015 was used in this study. No doubt that this represents only an approximation, and the actual fault size and geometry is nearly impossible to derive without higher-resolution data or direct evidence from drill core. But this seemed like a good starting place that provides a sense of relative fault sizes with respect to minor to low-levels of seismicity. An unexpected result from these spreadsheet computations are some simple rule-of-thumb mathematical relationships concerning the scaling of fault sizes relative to the corresponding magnitude classifications. Namely, as summarized in figure 8, for each integer increase in magnitude there is about a three-fold (3.16 x) increase in both fault displacement and strike length, a 10-fold (10.01 x) increase in fault rupture area, and a 30-fold (31.6) increase in energy released. I had previously heard of the latter relationship but the not the former two. As you probably noticed, the 3.16 factor is very close to Pi (3.14) which makes me wonder if this is just coincidental, or stems from the lack of precision in the calculations. That remains to be determined.
Figure 16 from Herman (1997) is augmented with bold N-S striking lines that emphasize the strikes of the latest faults mapped in the Newark rift basin. It's highly likely that these late-Mesozoic faults are now being reactivated with reverse slip in the modern, compressional stress field. Figure 17 is added at the end to show that ground-fixed GPS stations in the area surrounding the earthquake swarm all registered a positive vertical deflection at the time of the event that be only coincidental, but nevertheless congruent with this event having a reverse slip component that locally compounds crustal thickness through reverse faulting.
The occurrence of this earthquake swarm in central New Jersey in an area historically lacking such focused activity has given us a glimpse into how perpetual tectonic processes operate in our crust to slowly impart topographic relief and influence the manner in which rivers flow and sediment is produced and accumulates. Figure 2 shows that the course of the Delaware River partly flows along the boundary between relatively more- and less slowly subsiding areas, and whose headwaters zig zag along the crest of the Paulin's Kill arch. Conversely, the Jurassic Watchung syncline is nestled comfortably into a neotectonic trough where the landscape that surrounds us evolves at such a slow pace that we ordinarily attribute it only to past events and fail to notice how our current landscape is constantly evolving with distributed zones of local tectonic adjustment. The location of this earthquake swarm on the eastern limb of the Paulin's Kill arch is just one of many temporal swarms that have occurred in different areas of the same region that altogether cause the differential rise and fall of land leading to the rebounding Canadian shield in response to glacial unloading (figs. 14 and 15).
A short movie was produced that captures the temporal sequence of 194 events that are mapped and symbolized using varying magnitudes, sizes, and colors and placed into a 3D tectonic perspective (fig. 4). The SUP CAD model of seismicity is available upon request. I hope you enjoyed learning about some New York and New Jersey earthquakes. If you have any questions, thoughts, or find some mistakes please email me at
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